Comparing "Casablanca' and "Apocalypse now"

These two films were great in their own rights, although very contrasted by production history people talk about them to this day. The shooting of Casablanca, although being a real place, was shot entirely at a Warner Bros. Studio in Burbank, California, with the exception of one sequence, shot at Van Nuys Airport in Van Nuys, Los Angeles. The shooting began in May 1942, ending on August 3rd. To warner Bros this film just seemed like another of many that they had produced that year. However, to their surprise, was a huge hit at the Box office. This contrasts in a major way to apocalypse now, a movie that took Francis Ford Coppola approximately 3 years longer than the intended 14 week shoot in the Philippines. Furthermore rumours spread that there were dead bodies on set, the crew were partying as hard as they were working and Martin Sheen had a confirmed heart attack on set. The whole shoot was a catastrophe and Coppola wasn't helping much, With firing his leading man two weeks in and instead hiring martin Sheen who, at the time, was nursing his own demons (namely booze.) However this does not mean that Coppola had no interest in his actors wellbeing, one scene at the start of the film we can see a prime example of 'method acting' wether it was intended or not. Martin Sheen had been praised by Coppola as a means of trying to get a reaction, "he started getting weird and he ended up punching his own image in the mirror" said Coppola who had deliberately told Martin to look in the mirror at how beautiful he was "all of this came pouring out of him, including his blood" from that point on Martin Sheen was Captain Willard.
